The Council of Chilean Historic Protestant Churches Council published a statement in which they rejected the idea of certain groups’ “vesting themselves” with the representation of this community and their view on the constitutional plebiscite of October 25th. In the document, they emphasize that it is essential to remember that “there’s no such a thing as an ‘Evangelic Church’ but churches”, and therefore “no organisation, nor church in particular, may vest itself with the representation of all the churches, or the whole group of the evangelic people”, as stated in the document issued on Monday 28th
The Chilean people will vote in a national plebiscite the passing or rejection of a Constitutional Convention for the drafting of a new Constitution. The event will take place on October 25th and different politic, civil and even religious organisations spoke in favour of or against the call in non-paid publicity.
An individual spoke in behalf of the “Evangelic Church” and said that they would vote for that option and that Satan was responsible for the “Social Outburst”. “The Bible states that Satan came precisely to kill, steal and destroy. This shows us who is behind all that rebuilding process in Chile and no child of God can give their approval to the infructuous work of the dark”, Kevin Valenzuela argues, according to Chilean media.
Here is the full statement:
Statement of the Chilean Historic Protestant Churches Council
To the national community as a whole
“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18.
In this exceptionally gathered Chilean Historic Protestant Churches Council, in light of statements coming from different organisations and groups speaking their minds publicly in favor of specific options in respect to the upcoming plebiscite, involving the evangelic people directly or indirectly or “The Evangelic Church”, we consider of paramount importance to point out:
1) that we find it objectionable to force all evangelic people to identify with a specific single option, regardless of which option this is;
2) that it is essential to emphasize once again that there’s NO such a thing as “The Evangelic Church” but evangelic churches: different entities with different practices and organisation, even when they coincide in some basic dogmatic elements proper of all Christian churches;
3) that, therefore, no organisation, nor church in particular, may vest itself with the representation of all the churches, or the whole group of the evangelic people;
4) That even in the privacy of their churches, members of them represent different thoughts and views and that a particular statement generally stands for the opinion of those who lead, as a result of a deliberative process proper of each organisation, and not for that of each and every member of the church;
5) that freedom of informed thought is a fundamental principle of the reformed understanding of the Gospel and that, as a consequence, the freedom of the believers to make a conscious decision in regard with the affairs that are of their interest and also as citizens is guaranteed by the theology, the history and the tradition of the churches which will inherit the Protestant Reformation;
6) that we consider, and this is a part of our legacy, the active participation as a citizen in the community and the society a Christian responsibility.
7) the preceding point 6) requires freedom of expression in matters regarding life as a community;
8) For all of the abovementioned, we repeat our call to freely participate as citizens in the upcoming plebiscite.
Reverend Dr. Jorge Cárdenas Brito President of the Chilean Historic Protestant Churches Council.
Translation: Camila Llobet