24 organizations send letter to the Conciliation Commission of the US Congress


On Tuesday 17 a letter was sent to the Conciliation Commission of the United States Congress, signed by 24 Colombian and international organizations. The two amendments are awaited to be included in the Defense Act 2021 of the United States.

The letter says:

Dear Members of Congress,
Greetings from the undersigned organizations, which represent Colombian civil society and organizations that support human rights and peace in Colombia. We hope you are well in these difficult times for humanity.

We have learned that in July 2020, the United States House of Representatives approved the National Defense Authorization Act for 2021 and has continued with the appropriate proceedings. We know that the House version includes two amendments regarding Colombia. The first, proposed by Congressman Jim McGovern, relates to an audit of military aid given by the United States to the government of Colombia between 2002 and 2020. This amendment responds to evidence of illegal espionage
against civilians, including human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, and opposition politicians. The illegal use of intelligence to spy on civilians has previously resulted in threats and human rights violations and has had a negative impact on our democracy. The second Colombia-related amendment was added by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and prohibits spending Defense aid on aerial fumigation unless the government demonstrates that it is following Colombian laws and regulations.

Since the National Defense Authorization Act for 2021 is in its final stage, we very respectfully request that you include both of these amendments as binding requirements under the bilateral responsibility of both governments. This will contribute to the Colombian government’s accountability for its use of resources and impact on human rights, especially the effects on the civilian population, human rights defenders, journalists, and community leaders.

Colombian Organizations:

  1. Diálogo Intereclesial por la Paz –DIPAZ2. Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz J&P3.Grupo Ecuménico de Mujeres por la Paz –GEMPAZ4. Fundación de Diaconia PAZOS de la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia
  2. Equipos Cristianos de Acción por la Paz- ECAP- Colombia
  3. Confraternidad Carcelaria de Colombia
  4. Paz y Esperanza. Colombia
  5. Fundación Agropecuaria Tejiendo Esperanza. Istmina Chocó- Colombia
  6. Iniciativa “Despertando al Gigante”. Plataforma Fé y Desarrollo Rev. Eduardo
    Martínez D.
  7. Iglesia Diálogos y Fe, Bogotá, Colombia
  8. Fundación Eudes, Bogotá DC, Colombia. Padre René Alexis Rey Luengas
  9. Corporación Centro de Estudios Étnicos, Cali-Colombia
    International Organizations
  10. Global Ministries. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada and
    the United Church of Christ in the U.S.
    2.. Agencia Ecuménica Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Comunicación en América
    Latina y Caribe (ALC Noticias) desde Buenos Aires, Argentina
  11. Kolko – Derechos Humanos por Colombia, Berlin, Alemania
  12. Con EFE Comunicaciones, Agencia regional feminista, con sede en Argentina
  13. World Communion of Reformed Churches. Rev Dr Chris Ferguson
  14. WOLA, EEUU, Gimena Sanchez, Directora de los Andes
  15. Alianza de Iglesias Protestantes Reformadas de América Latina AIPRAL
  16. Equipo Claretiano ante la ONU en Nueva York.
  17. Christian Peacemaker Teams International, Chicago, USA
  18. World Student Christian Federation Latin America and the Caribbean (WSCF LAC)
  19. . World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)
  20. Christian Aid del Reino Unido e Irlanda

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