Brief news sent from Glasgow by Jocabed Solano, youth of the Gunadule people. Jocabed is Executive Director in Indigenous Memory and part of TEPALI, among other lioe the Latin American Theological Fraternity.
On Saturday October 31st, the COP 26 opened (the COP is the world’s main annual conference on climate, where hundreds of global leaders meet up to negotiate and accord plans regarding climate change).
The furst words by Alok Sharma, official COP26 president were: “Al the signs are red”.
The Objective: “to accelerate the efforts against global warming, whose effects are felt kore each day.”
The meeting of the Indigenous Caucus also took place, which unites indigenous organisations and siblings. The International Forum of Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change (IFIPCC) wrote a declaration that was presented today, read by the sister Tayli Terena:
“Idigenous Peoples are the first and most affected by climate change, and colonial climate action, and nonetheless we drive critical climate solutions rooted in our relationships with the living world. By exercising our protection in first line, we confront criminalisation, violence against human rights, and murder. And in the COP, we are excluded from the taking of decisions about the questions that most affect us. The COVID-19 pandemic has not done much to aggravate this injustice. We ask for a rapid reduction of emissions that impulse a fair transition to abandon fossil fuels and guarantees a future of 1.5 degrees. We are deeply worried about the so called Nature Based Solutions developed without our support or free, previous, and informed consent, that undermines our self determination and the safety of land tenure. Our expectations for this COP are that…”.
Furthermore in the meeting of the Indigenous Caucus, Iniquilipi, brother of rhe dunadule people, shared with the presents a work made by 50 gina sisters who through the vela mola want to make the message of the gunadule people reach everyone in the COP26 of living in a harmonious relationship with Mother Earth from the ancestral guna cosmic living.
We are many christian brothers and sisters that live in Glasgow, as well as making incidence in temples, the pilgrims that have walked so many kilometres to hear the message that we are called to live like the gospel of Jesus calls, a life in harmony with the whole of creation, and our duty and responsibility to care for the Earth.
In the day we celebrate the Reformation, we protestant churches remember that is necessary to live our following of Jesus reforming every day our lifestyle, for one to live fairly together with all of creation.