The authorities of the AUCEL and UCEL announce and celebrate the creation of a new department, which will be inserted inside the academic structure of the Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano. It is the Religious Sciences Department, which counts among its objectives the creation of programs, materials and a proper atmosphere for study, innovation and investigation, contributing towards citizen participation and collaboration and promoting the ethical values expressed in our vision as an institution of the Argentinian Evangelical Methodist Church, associated with the International Network of Educational Methodist Institutions (IAMSCU) and the Platform of Iberoamerican Protestant and Evangelical Universities QONAKUY and will establish the Bachelor’s Degree on Theology, among the other degrees that will be incorporated to its academic offer.
The ones assigned as authorities are the Lic. Fabián Rey as Deacon and the Lic. Gabriela Amaya as responsible for the Technical Secretariat, all of it according to the compliance of the stipulated statutory procedures.
Extending our thanks to Lic. Rey for his brilliant performance in his role as General Vicedean and the Lic. Amaya for her compromise in the coordination of the Wesley Institute, the UCEL Community greets with enthusiasm their appointments and celebrates the start up of the new Religious Sciences Department that broadens and enriches our educational mission.
The institutional email of the Religious Sciences Department –
Deacon Fabián Rey
Translation: Massimiliano Tron F