#MLK50Forward: Events at the King Center


n partnership with the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, we gratefully invite you to be part of the King Center’s activities and programs that mark the 50th year since the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968.  If you’re in Atlanta, or if you can participate where you live, we invite you to join in these activities.

For full details, please visit the King Center’s website at http://www.mlk50forward.org/
April 4, 2018 Commemorative Events

This worldwide campaign will launch on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday and conclude on April 9. Participants will commit to completing fifty acts of kindness or service during the time period that has a positive impact on their community. These can be done individually or in conjunction with major civic organizations.
April 3 – 9
“Mountaintop Moments”

Around the world, people will reflect on their own “Mountaintop Moment” – like
Dr. King, and depict the future as they see it from their “mountaintops.” These “inspiramercials” (inspiring commercials) will be depicted through visual art, song, digital media, spoken word and more.

April 5 – 7
Beloved Community Talks: A Special 50th Anniversary Edition

Interactive courageous conversations focused on addressing the “Triple Evils” Dr. King emphasized: poverty, racism, and war, featuring the world’s greatest public intellectuals, innovative thinkers, and global policy leaders. Register now!

April 6 – 7
Global “Together We Win” Hackathon

A global call to young people to create new technological solutions to disrupt the cycle of poverty in order to reduce the wealth gap, in partnership with the world’s leading tech companies.
April 7, 11 AM – 4 PM
King Centennials Speak
The Centennial Generation of “King Children” host an event highlighting youth all over the world doing innovative and extraordinary work for humanity.

April 6 – 8
Global Faith Leaders Commemoration

A global call to faith leaders to commemorate Dr. King and his vision for change in weekend services.

April 9
Service and March for Humanity from Ebenezer to The Georgia State Capitol building
A multi-faith service followed by a march in Atlanta, Georgia commemorating the iconic funeral procession.

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