Achievements and lessons of the ecumenic participation in the Colombian peace process

Presentation of the report during the ACT Assembly, by Milton Mejia and Humberto Shikiya (M.Mejia)


During the ACT Alliance Assembly, conducted at the end of October in Switzerland, the Joint Day of Reflection on Ecumenical Diakonia and Sustainable Development was held on November 1st. The experience of the Inter-ecclesial dialogue for peace-DiPaz in Colombia was presented in a publication under the heading: “Achievements and lessons of the ecumenic participation in the quest for peace in Colombia”. The material was authored by Milton Mejía, Minister of  the Colombian Presbyterian Church, Professor of Theology in the Reformed University of Barranquilla and member of the DiPaz Executive committee.

In the material it is detailed the task against decades of armed conflict in the country, Dipaz’s task during this phase, the Peace Process, Dipaz’s challenges and compromises in Colombia as well as the lessons.

The christian churches and organizations that are members of DiPaz, as a part of the ecumenic family, are aware that “The peace treaties are usually precarious, provisional and inadequate. Repairing the damage left by war and violence can take longer than the conflict that caused it. But what peace there is along the way, as imperfect as it may be, is a promise of the big things that await us”

Here you can download the entire material as a PDF:libro dipaz ingles BR

Translation: Massimiliano Tron F.


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