The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is accepting applications for its internship programme, particularly from individuals interested in communications and administration. The programme gives highly qualified young people an opportunity to gain valuable experience working with an international ecumenical organization.

The two positions available in 2024—one beginning in July and the other in September—will be for 16 months, with both interns serving through the next General Council, to be held in Chiang-Mai, Thailand, in October 2025.

With an eye toward the General Council, the work of the interns will be focused toward communications and administration. They will also have opportunities to work in programmatic areas such as advocacy, justice, and theology as part of the programme’s leadership development goals. Interns participate fully in staff teams and are assigned executive-level projects for completion (with supervision).

The programme is open to English-speaking individuals of WCRC members who are aged 30 or younger, including ministers, seminarians, or Christian professionals with an interest in working for their churches or the ecumenical movement at any level. Women and individuals from the Global South are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications are due by 15 March 2024.

  • Download the Internship Application Form: PDFWord Doc

The WCRC internship programme is sponsored by the Evangelische Mission Weltweit (EMW), as well as donations from member churches, and covers almost all costs (including travel, housing, medical insurance and a small stipend). However, it is asked that the intern (or sponsoring church) share in some costs (based on ability).

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