International Summit: Peace, which peace?

International Summit: Peace, which peace?

Long-lasting peacebuilding in Colombia

March 18 and 19, 2021

Bogotá, Colombia

Colombia is living a crucial moment in its history, as social movements have rejected the lack of democracy, neoliberal economic policies and ongoing war. Despite the lockdowns due to the pandemic, cries for true peace, the upholding of human rights, the care for the common good of humanity and nature, the rejection of exclusion and oppression, the dispossession of lands, and pillage and plunder of the poor, can be heard in the streets of Colombian cities. The 2016 peace deal between the government and FARC rebels and the agreements signed between protesters and the government have yet to be fulfilled on the part of the government. Colombian society is fed up with war against popular mobilization, the deterioration of their conditions of livelihood, and the extreme concentration of wealth. 

We are calling upon social leaders and scholars of critical social thought from around the globe to come to Colombia, to share their wisdom and experiences in their path towards peacebuilding and protection of the common good of humanity. We are calling upon experts on the aforementioned topics to speak about the conflicts of nations such as Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, among other conflict scenarios, to illustrate how peoples around the world advance in the midst of humanitarian crisis and war. The summit will take place in Bogota on February 18 and 19, 2021, sponsored by Colombian social movements and organizations in favor of peace in the country.

Scholars from the following countries have been invited: Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, USA, El Salvador, UK, Pakistan, Palestine, and Mexico.

For further information, please send an email or a WhatsApp message to:

Cell: +57-300-785-0051

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