Urgent appeal for the people to vote against the dangers of authoritarianism and the stepping back of rights


More than a hundred Peruvian organizations affirm a declaration where they call: TRANSFORM YOUR INDIGNATION, YOUR VOTE IS POWER. “Lets not allow the advances of conservative and authoritarian groups that threaten democratic living and the rights we’ve gained. Lets not allow the Congress to turn into a refugee for corrupts, rapists, and coup members. Lets not allow the April 5th coup to happen again during these congressional and presidential elections”, they say.

Here’s the complete communique:

“The grave crisis Peru lives and the urgency for changes. The general elections in Peru are given in the most difficult context of our republican history. The pandemic has impacted the world harshly, and especially our country, which, according to official data, has the highest Covid-19 mortality rate in the world. The pandemic has laid bare the structural problems with which we live in the Bicentenerial Republic and, at the same time, the lies with which politicians and economic elites have pretended that we’ve reached development, hiding the rising inequality, violence, and the predation of nature and our resources.

The current crisis largely exceeds the disgraces lived during the Pacific and Terror Wars during the period of armed internal conflict.

In the face of these facts, it’s urgent for parties and the state to put the center of attention in people and their necessities.

For a state at the service of the people. It’s necessary to recuperate the state, institutions and democracy for the people of Peru, changing the rules of the game to secure a health system with prevention, hospitalization, and oxygen in circumstances such  as the pandemic; for the economy to e in service of the people and their needs, and not for the privilege of the few; for the state and businesses to guarantee dignified work, with rights, and to not be submitted to precariety and uncertainty; for the rights of women affected by multiple violences and inequalities; for the equality that to this day is denied to people of the TLGBIQ community; to transform the conditions of exclusion of the afroperuvian people and structural racism; the rights of harassed and pillaged indigenous people.

We need to confront the corruption that has installed in the state, politics, and justice; to count on free and quality education; to guarantee a healthy ecosystem; to protect the lives of people with different abilities; to guarantee the right to a city with dignified housing, public spaces, access to water and other services.

It’s urgent or the state, subjected to the interests of groups of power, to be recuperated to advance with hope towards the future.

The dangers of conservatism and authoritarianism. Lets not allow the advances of conservative and authoritarian groups that threaten democratic living and the rights we’ve gained. Lets not allow the Congress to turn into a refugee for corrupts, rapists, and coup members. Lets not allow the April 5th coup to happen again during these congressional and presidential elections.

We make a call for citizenship to defend democracy. To mobilize ourselves and to exercise the power of our vote to promote the great and urgent changes which are necessary for the country. And to open the possibilities to live together in our diversity, with recognition, rights, and without discriminations.

Our vote had power, lets make a change.

The communique and additions can be seen here

Translation: Massimiliano Tron F

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