The Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) of World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) is one of the longest established ecumenical events. The WSCF publishes ecumenical services of worship on a theme that relates to the Federation’s theme of study for the year or responds to current events and issues of concern to the world’s students. The usual date is the third or last Sunday in February.
This year, the UDPS finds us at a special moment in the life of the Federation. We celebrate it together in the framework of the organization of our 37th WSCF General Assembly. This generates a special feeling among the SCMs: the idea that soon the students and members of the Federation will be able to be together to celebrate our communion and community life, and to think together about the future of our Federation in terms of the necessary plans and strategies to continue transforming our realities at the three levels: local, regional, and global.
The European Region ( WSCF Europe ) prepared the liturgy for 2022.
We invite you to use it at your local celebrations! “With God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26.…/universal_day_of_prayer_for…