Democracy and Comprehensive Sexual Education. 40 years. 40 reasons

This Monday, November 13 at 7 p.m. (Argentina), social, cultural, educational, union, confessional, political and gender organizations in Argentina that work on Comprehensive Sexual Education meet to celebrate 40 years of democracy affirming 40 reasons to continue working together in comprehensive sexual education. Argentina finds itself in a paradoxical situation. In the next elections, the continuity or repeal of the Comprehensive Sexual Education law, which is being developed throughout the country, will be defined.

The support and international visibility of this democratic, plural and diverse activity is important because on November 19, Argentina will have to choose in the Ballotage between a proposal that proposes reducing the State to a small administration run by a small group of people from one party, and another proposal that proposes maintaining the State with its democratic institutions in a joint government with members of the other parties.

The most radical proposal has a high probability of winning the elections. Some people in his eventual cabinet have already announced some measures they would take if they win the elections: release genocidal senior military commanders convicted of crimes against humanity; eliminate government areas and public ministries of the State; privatize justice; devalue the currency and dollarize; sell part of the national territory; approve the free sale of
weapons, cut subsidies to popular sectors, privatize public education, etc., etc., etc. The close link between extreme neoliberal measures and the demand for military processes and institutional violence is evident and deeply worrying.

The characteristics of the two management models mean that the population has to choose not only between two government proposals but between two State models, one unconstitutional and the other constitutional. The situation is deeply critical and violent. The suspicion that international economic interests are behind this absolutely exceptional
situation is increasingly stronger. Argentina is an exporter of commodities and energy (lithium, soy, oil, water, etc.). This political economic group proposes to take over the State to obtain guarantees of impunity through a de facto government, elected by popular will.

Given the size of the stage, this humble educational activity on YouTube, in Spanish, with social references, popular educators, academic teachers, wants to affirm the importance of a free, critical, constructive, plural, participatory education, to strengthen democracy, a culture diverse and the common good.

We invite everyone who can follow the Instagram account @xmasesi2006 and participate in this activity in Spanish to give their support online on YouTube and spread the word about this event. Link: Democracia y ESI. 40 años/40 razones – YouTube

At this time, a gesture of affection and support from other parts of the world is of great value to carry out these increasingly common social struggles in our countries. The world is losing historic achievements in human rights. The defense of these rights is everyone’s task because human rights belong to everyone in the world.

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