REET presents two new proposals for theological study and research

In November two initiatives were presented by the REET- Ecumenical Network of Theological Education for the ecumenical christian teaching and testimony in the area of influence: “Diplomacy in the Bible”, starting on 2024; and the launch of a new series of the “Exegetic-Homiletic Studies”.

The new “Diplomacy on the Bible”, whose direction will be in charge of the Prof. Dr. Darío Barolín and will be developed by a team of teachers consisting of prominent specialists, proposes itself as an instance of learning and reflection focused on those who belong to christian communities, as well as those who work in educational and diaconic institutions as teachers or collaborators, and to an interested public in general.

On their part, the “Exegetic-Homiletic Studies – New Series” (EEH-NS), retake and update a fruitful initiative developed between the years 2000 and 2015 from the Biblical Department of the I.U. ISEDET, which consisted of the monthly publication of assistance for interpretation, the predication and teaching of the assigned biblical texts by the Triannual Ecumenical Lexicon for each Sunday of the liturgical calendar. The one responsible gor the coordination of the academic team who will be in charge of the organisation, edition, publication, and presentation of the EEH-NS is the Prof. Dr. Álvaro Michelin Salomon.

You can relive the event on YouTube channel 👉🏼

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