WE ARE THE AMAZON: Global ecumenical solidarity action with the Amazon



Christian Aid has been supporting a global Amazon solidarity action engaging churches, councils, and faith-based organisations to make commitments for the protection of the Amazon and its inhabitants;. Our colleagues in Latin America and the Caribbean have launched the declaration attached together with partners, ecumenical organisations and ACT Forums and it galvanizes support and endorsements from across the ecumenical family from the global North and South to work together, in an expression of solidarity.

The document aims to be launched ahead of the Amazon Synod of  the Catholic Church, which will meet in October 2019. The Synod will highlight the crisis of the Amazon forest which plays a vital role in the health of planet. The document can be read and downloaded here: ENGLISH – We are the Amazon

This is an opportunity for the global ecumenical movement to join hands in the defence of the Amazon and as such we would like to invite your organisation to endorse the document as an action of solidarity.

The organizations that want to sign can do it in this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhV8d-D9whKh4Agr4jYOeWlnsNA1uJRXwZAlKYXHRGxcfnoA/viewform

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